This is a structured overview over ObjExImg’s user interface. For an introduction, please refer to How To.
Main Window
ObjExImg’s main window has two panes: The Images pane, where you choose the photos, select parameters and start the generation process, and the 3D Model pane, where you preview and export the generated 3D model. You toggle between the panes with the control in the upper right corner or the entries in the View menu (the 3D Model pane becomes available as soon as a model was generated).
Images Pane
In the Images pane you choose the folder containing the photos for object reconstruction. Drag the folder here, or click the icon to select the folder with an open panel. On macOS 13 and newer, you can alternatively pick photos from the image library.
Also in the Images pane are the main parameters, Detail Level, Object Masking, and Feature Sensitivity; see Parameters in the How to about these.
According to Apples documentation, the different detail levels will produce:
Level | Faces* | Map Size* | Maps* |
Preview | 25.000 | 1024 × 1024 | Diffuse, Normal, Ambient Occlusion |
Reduced | 50.000 | 2048 × 2028 | |
Medium | 100.000 | 4096 × 4096 | |
Full | 250.000 | 8192 × 8192 | Diffuse, Normal, Ambient Occlusion, Roughness, Displacement |
Raw | 30.000.000 | 8192 × 8192 (multiple) | Diffuse |
Custom** | Adjustable (click button next to detail menu) |
*) up to: can be lower if source images do not provide a sufficient amount of data.
**) requires macOS 14 or newer. Note that as of macOS 14.0, there is a minimum of 25.001 faces
Click Create 3D Model to start the reconstruction of the object.
3D Model Pane
The 3D Model pane lets you preview and export a generated model. Use the controls in the lower left to switch the primary interaction mode between Rotate, Move and Zoom (holding the Option key temporarily toggles) and to turn textures and the wireframe overlay on or off.
Use Export… to export the model and pick from one of the following formats:
- .usdz (Universal Scene Description; mesh and maps in a single file)
- .obj (mesh and maps in a new folder)
- .stl (mesh only)
- .dae (Collada)
Settings (formerly known as ‘Preferences’)
Sequential Sample Ordering: If you provide the photos of an object in order, enabling this can result in higher performance. It has no impact on the quality of the generated model.
Mesh Primitives (macOS 15 or newer): The type of geometric mesh primitives to create in model output. Quads are not supported at raw detail level by the macOS photogrammetry engine; triangles will automatically be used instead.
Bounding Boxes (macOS 15 or newer): Usage of bounding boxes, if embedded in input images (hover cursor over options for more details).
Point Cloud (macOS 13 or newer): Enable to visualising and exporting point cloud data provided by Object Capture.
Scrolling lets you choose which action is performed in the 3D model preview by scrolling: Zoom or Move.
In addition, should you prefer SceneKit’s interaction model (like in Quicklook or Xcode), you may enable it here. You can also pick custom colours for the model pane background and untextured model.